One module for my Photography degree includes Representation where we have to create a portrait on medium format colour film. I was quite excited about this project as I love portraiture and found printing in the colour darkrooms both rewarding and challenging. For this project I was struggling to find what to base my theme on but after looking at street style and fashion and engaging in the discussion on Orlan and Katie Price I was inspired by the concept of beauty and what we determine is beautiful.
Barbie: The beauty icon
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I began researching the relationship between race and beauty and why it is still uncommon to see dark skinned models on the runway and billboards for example. Being dark skinned myself looking into this idea made me see myself in a different light and made me realize I was beautiful too, with my curves and Bengali ethnicity. I was appalled to see the media especially advertising encouraging lightening skin products and this is a billion dollar industry in Asia and Africa. This advert in particular made me want to shake society's narrowed minds on their perception of beautiful and that blonde hair and white skin doesn't equate to beauty. I am not saying that people with these characteristics are not beautiful but the fact they are seen as superior due to these qualities regardless of the beauty inside.
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In response to this I decided to post a question on Facebook to my friends and see what they thought beautiful was. My question:
'Just wanted to ask you a question in regards to my photography project about the idea of a beautiful person. You can write as much/little as you want. I'm doing a mini survey.
What is your concept of beauty in a multicultural society?'
This is what they responded:
beauty in my mind is the pursuit of an ideal rather than the ideal itself. nobody sees the same idea of beauty because everyone has a differnet idea of their ideal situation. whever its how someone acts and behaves or just pure cosmetics. i think beaty is purely the human urge to be better and climb higher in the social rank, we see people as beautiful because we want to be more like themCool, Well as regards to beauty I feel that I'ts every where not just in people and not in looks. What makes a beautiful person is not just the way they look, but how they act. Are they trust worthy, kind, funny things like this make a beautiful person to me. As far as people are, natural is beautifulConfidence obvscan make anyone attractive if there not afraid to be who you really are
I think you can find beauty in almost everything. But regarding people I think being your natural self is beautifulEveryone is beautiful in some way or another whether it's skin deep or their personality. 'Beauty' has unfortunately fallen into the grips of a commercial stereotype, so unless you are a certain height, weight, skin colour, etc, many people feel that they are not beautiful if they don't meet this ridiculous criteriaBeauty can be found in anything! With people, I think being able to believe in yourself & express that in a way you feel is right is beautiful - though music, art, your personal style, etc. You need to feel comfortable in your own skin.Without reading all of the posts above me, I'd say that everyone is beautiful. Everyone defines what makes a beautiful person differently, so we can't generalise to anything specific.In the words of David Bailey: no one is the most beautiful woman in the worldwell i know its said that symmetry makes a beautiful face - if you're talking solely about looks but im not sure how far i agree with that. But i certainly think confidence is key, and also to look healthy - maybe that comes from natural instinct in seeking a healthy partner to have kids with - survival of the fittest and all that! (no pun intended...)well considering the aspect of beauty, it's in the eye of the beholder i guess, as for the context of multicultural societies and beauty, i would agree that yes aspects of their race, their religion, characteristics can be beautiful, how many times do we see in national geographic the tribes of the Amazon, the slums of India, etc etc and yet all are portrayed in ways that are beautiful, though perhaps in real life are not instantly beautiful, we can appreciate it after thoughtBeauty is like art, we all view it differently. It is easy to assume your question refers to people and faces however beauty can be seen in all aspects of society, albeit a multicultural one. A baby suckling on its mother; loving couples hugging/kissing; different races together playing and enjoying each others company; to me these are all images of beauty. To appreciate beauty in a multicultural society, one has to first embrace multiculturalism and what its diverse culture can offer. Some women who wear a hijab for instance can have the most beautiful eyes, equally a Jewish man wearing a kippah could have a beautiful smile or Africans and Caribbeans have a beautiful way of expressing themselves and so on. Yes, to get a real feel of beauty within a person one needs to know what their heart and character are like. As this is not always possible, what we see at first glance depicts what we view as beauty. The fashion industry have taken on different aspects of global culture to introduce and set new trends thus creating a new wave of image and style to beauty. Beauty is all around us and in a multicultural society it continues to grow. Sadly, humans have prejudices and preferences and sometimes the beauty that is portrayed is not always saying that natural beauty is better
I'll be covering other issues and artists that look at the concept of beauty so watch this space!
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