Friday 11 May 2012

Beauty: Jean Patchett by Erwin Blumenfeld, Jan 1950

Blumenfeld’s 1950’s Vogue photograph is the epitome of female beauty; it highlights the main components for a beautiful face: the eyes and lips. This graphic photograph is so striking, and rightly so made it the cover of the dawn of the new decade (Jan 1950) showing how beauty is transforming. Andy Port [1] (NY Times Blog) writes: ‘Jean Patchett’s face reduced to a beauty mark, mouth, eye, brow and nose. If ever there were a visual haiku, this is it. Woman distilled to her essence; the sum of her parts more alluring than the whole.’ I agree that this image is incredibly alluring, right down to the beauty spot. The fact that he chose to keep the beauty spot shows almost juxtaposes with the idea of keeping the little details yet he has rid most of her face including the main canvas: her skin. Despite all that is erased her face is not expressionless, in fact she evokes much more; her seductive eyes and sensual lips are captivating enough that the reader see no more. This image shows the power of beauty and expression in basically two features on a face. One might say that Bluemfeld is empowering women and that they simply don’t need more than basic features to express how they feel. However one may read it as the photographer is eradicating her features like a blank canvas and that ‘beauty’ can be painted on with make-up and that beauty does not lie within her expression but in a mask. Another interpretation of this image is that beauty is white due to the vastness of white representing white skin and showcasing Caucasian features. At this time white people were seen as the dominant race in America, could this image represent that beauty is determined by levels of superiority in race?

1. Port, Andy; New York Times Blog; published Apr 16 2009; [Accessed at 01/05/12]

Useful Links:
Extreme Beauty in Vogue (D&G)

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