Monday 14 May 2012

Beauty In Discussion: Valeria Lukyanova - Is this the Real life Barbie doll?

After reading responses on ‘Katie Price Vs Orlan’ forum on my university photography website[1] and discussing the concept of beauty I was particularly interested in the case of Valeria Lukyanova, 21, where it is believed she is the ‘real-life’ Barbie. Barbie represents perfection and she is the icon for aspired beauty. Barbie is an American manufactured girls’ doll that launched in March 1959. During this time multiculturalism and globalization was a new concept and isn’t as prominent as it is today yet Barbie still circulates in its millions across the globe. Barbie is supposed to represent the population yet there is only a minority with white skin, blue eyes, blonde hair and is 5’9” tall. Why choose these features to symbolize ‘perfection’ when the world is so diverse? There has been much criticism for the doll’s unrealistic proportions and the damaging effect on females’ body image especially when socializing girls from a young age. Statistics show that ‘if Barbie were an actual women, she would be 5'9" tall, have a 39" bust, an 18" waist, 33" hips and a size 3 shoe.[2] This would be the case of Lukyanova from Russia who is obsessed with the Barbie ideal. She is dubbed ‘the real-life Barbie’ due to her extensive plastic surgery (including removing two lower ribs), heavy make-up and revealing clothes. Lukyanova is willingly allowing herself to be objectified after posting hundreds of images of herself and her transformation. There has been quite a stir with her as despite the common perception of beauty being of Barbie, when it is seen in real-life there is some backlash. ‘One Twitter user wrote: “She looks not only ugly, but ridiculous.”’ and “A woman with completely perfect features is a boring woman.” [2] Despite Lukyanova extreme efforts to achieve ‘perfection’ not everyone believes so thus making the concept of beauty subjective. So this raises the question what is beauty?

What are your views?

1. Various authors; Mycourse forum; published Apr 15 2012; [Accessed 07/05/12]
2. Slayen, Galia; Huffington Post; published Aug 4 2011; [Accessed 07/05/12]

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